+27(0)82 890 6381 info@fractalpro.co.za

Lighting Design and Application

Beyond safety, security and simply allowing one to see, lighting applications are wide and varied. Across a range of indoor and outdoor locations, lighting plays an integral role in setting the mood and atmosphere, drawing attention to and away from whatever the...

Air Treatment Systems

Air treatment systems, commonly referred to as HVACs (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning), are an integral part of maintaining a comfortable indoor environment, regardless of weather conditions or season. HVACs encompass everything from the air conditioner in...


The simplest definition of horticulture is it is the cultivation of plants. It involves growing plants either for their aesthetic value, as in floriculture (the cultivation of flowers), or on a local scale for food and medicine (as in a home garden). In addition to...

IT Infrastructure

Information technology (IT) infrastructure encompasses all the hardware, software, networks, and facilities that are necessary for the operation and management of an organization’s IT environment. All these components work together to develop, test, deliver, monitor,...

Blockchain Technologies

A blockchain is a digital ledger or growing list of records, called blocks, that is run by a network of computers running in a peer-to-peer (P2P) configuration. It is a collection of data and transactions that are stored and processed by computers around the world,...